Editing .pet Personality Values

A very straight-to-the-point guide that I wrote for myself to simplify the guides I've seen before.

You will need:
• Hex Editor (I use Hexplorer)
PetzByte by Reflet (And to run it, Python)


BACKUP your .pet file first of course
• Open the file in a hex editor
• Find "YALP" (all uppercase)
• Scroll down until "p.f.magicpetzIII"
• Select the "p" of "p.f.magic"
• "View > Go to adress...", on the window select "Decimal" and "Cursor (forward)"
• In the Offset, enter the number corresponding to the trait you want to edit, according to this list:

Liveliness 968
Playfulness 991
Independence 1014
Confidence 1037
Naughtiness 1060
Acrobaticness 1083
Patience 1106
Kindness 1129
Nurturing 1152
Finickiness 1175
Intelligence 1198
Messiness 1221
Quirkiness 1244
Insanity 1267
Constitution 1290
Metabolism 1313
Dogginess 1336
LoveDestiny ????
Fertility ????
LoveLoyalty ????
Libido 1428
OffspringSex ????

(List taken from this thread. Sorry for the ???? ones, they're not on the thread and I didn't bother checking them out because those are the values that are the same in every pet anyway.)

• Press OK, it'll scroll down exactly to the value you need to edit.
• Change the value to whatever new number you want (in hex)
• Save
• Run the pet file through PetzByte.py (drag the .pet into the .py)
Success! (Hopefully!) Open the game and see if it worked, and optionally use GoalDescriptorAnalyzer (I cannot find a link to this, I think it was sent to me on discord) to check if the new value is really correct.

Last edited: 2024-03-26