New magenta for use with palette-swap PetzA

The PetzA update that enables custom palettes has a side effect that all places that use the magenta color (253 in the original Petz palette) become transparent, including any parts of a pet that use that color. This was already a problem in the game when playing in playscenes made in the Editor, but with the update it now happens in every playscene.

To fix that, a slightly modified version of the petz palette needs to be used, with a new color assigned to be the new magenta. In this version I made, the color picked was 238, which was replaced with color #ff00fe. It's a slightly different color hex than the original so it doesn't cause conflicts, but visually it's indistinguishable from the original #ff00ff.

How to use this

Download the modified petz.bmp:

Put it in Resource\Palettes. In-game, in the PetzA settings, enable "Unlock palette".
This won't automatically correct the transparent magentas in any pet/toy/anything, however. You'll have to edit those manually, see section below.

How to change the old magenta to the new magenta in things

For colors assigned in LNZ (like ball and paintball colors) just change any color-253 to color-238.
There are two ways of doing that quickly:

Method 1. Select a section of the LNZ that will need changes (such as [Add Ball] or [Paint Ballz]) and paste it in a spreadsheet. For .pet files, go to "Tools > Reformat Lines" first so they paste properly into cells. Select the column for the color values, then find and replace "253" to "238". Repeat this for any other sections needed.

Method 2. Select the entire LNZ and paste on notepad. For .pet files, find and replace " 253 " with " 238 " (with normal spaces around the numbers). For breeds and anything else, find and replace:
"	253,	" with "	238,	"
(with tab spaces around the numbers and a comma). Replace All. From what I've seen, I THINK there won't be anything incorrectly replaced if you add the proper spaces around the numbers, but I can't guarantee so if you wanna be really safe, use method 1.

For textures and sprites, here's a more detailed guide:

Color table for use with image editors
Here's an .act file of this edited palette to use with whatever program you want to use to index your BMPs:
Petz ff00fe.act

Last edited: 2024-08-09