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RSS Feed

Want to receive updates whenever I post a new art, story or page? Then here's an RSS feed for you!

Now yes, the amount of people who use RSS and look at my website is most likely 0, but I make this site for myself, and so I add all the things I'd like to see on other websites even if nobody's gonna use them lol

Here's the link:

World of Shenzai Updates RSS feed

How to use it:

You can use it with any RSS feed reader probably, but I never used those. The way I've always preferred to use RSS feeds was as a live bookmark folder, as it used to be on old versions of Firefox. You can get that functionality on Chrome and newer Firefox with extensions:

Chrome: Foxish - Firefox: Livemarks

With either extension installed, click the RSS link and it should automatically show you options to subscribe to the feed.

Here's what the feed folders look like on my bookmarks bar with Foxish (left) and Livemarks (right):
The items without the site icon are the ones I haven't clicked yet. On Livemarks, there's an option to add that checkmark to items that you've already read, it's pretty cool.

Published: 15 May 2024
Last modified: 15 May 2024