Which Toy?
Help Wolf figure out which toy belongs to which pet!

Oh, umm, hi. I didn't see you coming. I'm kinda distracted 'cause I... umm...
I kinda have a problem right now...

I was supposed to take care of the toyz that some petz brought to today's playdate,
but I... ummm... I kinda mixed up some of them and I don't know which belongs to who anymore.
I hope they don't get upset at me for messing this up...

...Oh? You think you could help me? Oh, thank you!
These are the toyz I messed up.
Can you help me figure out which of them belongs to which pet?
All I remember is:
Toki's toy is not a ball.
• The toys which belong to
Microchip and
Dipper have limbs.
• There's some blue on
Jonnen's and
Midnight's toys.
Microchip's and
Jonnen's toys have a lot of green on them.
You can use this box to take notes if you need:
I think they're coming back already!
Did you figure it out?
If you have the answer, type the names in order in the URL bar, in lowercase, separated by dashes, like this:
Last edited: 2023-07-22