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• Jørn •

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Basic Info and Overview



Gender / Species

Male • Gryphon

Breed / Type

Mixed Breed [Standard Flyer Class]


28 Jan 2002

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Main Setting


friendly (if properly introduced) • gentle • curious • loyal

Jørn is a calm and gentle gryphon most of the times, but he's also extremely protective of his companion. That means that if Seir is ever in danger, Jørn's soft personality turns quite aggressive.

Jørn is very good at recognizing language, though he's more familiar with Seir's native language as that's what he was taught when he was a little hatchling. Seir still gives him commands mostly in Svartish.

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• Flying with Seir
• Playing in snow
• Exploring forests and woodlands


• Locked doors
• Days that are too sunny
• Strangers trying to pet him


Jørn was a child of Seir's mom's gryphon, Jonna. He was born when Seir was around 6 years old and they've been good companions ever since. He is pretty much Seir's best friend, to whom he tells everything, even though he knows the gryphon can't understand most of it. Jørn would give his life to protect Seir, and the same otherwise.


Tassel is Skyler's gryphon. She is very shy and doesn't usually get along with other gryphons (or people) very well, but Jørn's calm and patient nature has allowed her to warm up to him. They've become friends and like playing together. Jørn also protects Tassel whenever another gryphon tries to pick on her.




Jørn was a somewhat unexpected hatchling of Eldri's gryphon Jonna and a feral gryphon who lived in the neaby woods. Eldri was familiar with this gryphon because she had seen him around several times when roaming the forest, so she named him Jeger. He was rather wary of people but not as much of other gryphons, so as Jonna was allowed to roam on her own, she got to bond with him. Once she laid an egg, Jeger started trying to approach Jonna's people and became more friendly, but would still rather be off on his own, delivering food for Jonna from a distance (food that she didn't really need because she was a pet but he was trying to be a good gryphon dad).

When Jørn was born, Eldri cautiously introduced the hatchling to Seir, who immediately adored the little ball of fuzz. He would spend hours in Jonna's pen watching the baby, just waiting for when it was old enough that he'd be allowed to pet it. So when Jørn opened his eyes and started moving around, Seir would play with him all the time, take him on walks or just have him nearby while he read books. It was clear to Eldri that this was to be Seir's gryphon companion now, and so she taught Seir how to train his gryphon for eventually becoming a flight-mount. Seir became a little gryphon nerd, and Jørn became his best friend forever.


Main Stories:

Side Stories:

  • None.


  • None.

Character originally created on 23 June 2015, redesigned 3 January 2023

Published: 3 January 2023
Last modified: 28 January 2025