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The city of blood, where the dark ones' plans linger in the shadows.


In a city founded by necromages, a school for teaching necromagic shouldn't struggle to stay open. But opinions have shifted in the last 200 years as several incidents related to this form of magic caused it to be banned in several places across the globe. Though restrictions are gradually being lifted, there's still a stigma.

In the shadows, however, the demand for necromagic never ceased. A thriving black market network welcomes those who seek the darkest crafts.


Quick Info

Main Themes

• Necromagic
• Black markets for illegal magic
• Ambitious experiments

Main Areas

• City of Redsky and surroundings in the Lonesome region of Vell.

Main Places

Redsky College of Necromagic
Ravennet Hubs
Blackstar District

Main Characters

All Characters
Members of Redsky Necro Staff

Folks from the Ravennet Black Market

Magipolice Officers


Pets and Creatures

Main Stories

The Necromage


Timeline Date: 2015

Edgy kid doing necromagic and crimes.

The Research

Status: Early Concept, Working Title

Timeline Date: ???

(click title for a teaser)

Short Stories

On smaller screens, scroll sideways.

Title Char(s) Timeline
Little Potionmaker Seir, Eldri 2002 Tiny Seir learns about potions.
Jørn is Born [wip] Seir, Eldri, Jørn 2002 Jørn the baby gryphon hatches from an egg laid by Eldri's gryphon.
Dead Fox [wip] Seir 2004 Mini-comic about an incident during Seir's childhood.
Mom's Goodbye [wip] Seir, Eldri 2006 Seir's mom flees their house but leaves something for him.
The Rival Apprentice [wip] Seir, Skyler, Tallon 2013 Tallon takes Seir as his apprentice and Skyler is not happy about it.

Redsky Necro Staff Chatroom - Chat-log style snippets of conversations in the Redsky College of Necromagic staff's chatroom.

Published: 12 March 2022
Last modified: 8 May 2024