Home > Characters > Vincent

• Vincent •

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Basic Info

Full Name


Nicknames / Aliases





13 March 1996

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Species Class

Avian - Corvoidea


Corvid [Raven mix - albicollis/corax]

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Vesper, Quarantyne


Vesper, Quarantyne


Works at Crane's Nook Library and Bookshop


• Midnight Veil group chat

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Main Setting


Character Overview

melancholic • despondent • hesitant • shy • humble

Vincent is a gloomy and lonesome person. He seems always bored with life but keeps on going because he's hopeful that he'll find something to live for someday. He works at a neat little place called Crane's Nook Library and Bookshop, which specializes mostly in odd titles and rare finds, ancient and new. They also help out many independent writers by getting their work on their library.


• Books
• Reading
• Music
• Horror stories
• Dark aesthetics
• Black and white



• His younger self
• His brothers
• Sunny days
• Crowds
• Noise
• Feeling like he's being judged
• Having a crush on someone

Magic Details (?)
Level / Class



He's unable to use magic at all (side effect of the stuff he smokes)

Magical Background

No magician ancestry, never significantly exposed to magic

Magis Pool

Pretty much null

Volis Extent

Very Low

Percis Acuity

Very Low

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Main Stories:

  • None.

Side Stories:

  • None.


  • None.

Other Stuff

Dressing Style

Simple black and white clothing


Collecting books, CDs and vinyls

Favorite Activities

Listening to music and reading books

Favorite Colors

Black and white

Favorite Foods / Drinks

Figs, lychees, coffee (and anything coffee flavored), mint tea

Favorite Animals

Wolves, black foxes


Average, slightly tall-ish


Left handed (has also some dexterity with left foot but doesn't use much)


Never paid too much attention to it until it happened, but he's still not sure if he's really made for this whole romance thing...

Internet Usernames



Smoke, torn feathers

Music Taste

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Other Stuff

• He writes lyrics occasionally but can't make music for them. Also writes some short horror stories but never shares them.

• He's not a very good flier.

Character Connections

Zade and Vincent could hardly be more different. She's all about bright colors and going out to have fun, while he's dull and gloomy. But they've bonded over their love for horror stories and spooky things.


Sam is Zade's best friend, so whenever Vincent visits her, he gets to hang out with him. They like each other as good friends and chat sometimes even when Vincent is not around in Vectress. The only thing that bothers him is that Zade always invites Sam and the other roommates to hang out when he's with her and they both always pick hangout places he doesn't like much, so he feels a bit left out. He thinks that since Zade lives with Sam and they can hang out any time they want, she could care more about her boyfriend who only gets a few days here and there to spend with her. But then, maybe he's just being too selfish, he wonders.


Vivienne is another of Zade's roommates. She's often in their hangouts, but she doesn't talk much. She does, however, appear to be just as left out on these hangouts as he is, while Zade and Sam have all the fun themselves. They sometimes do talk to each other, especially about acknowledging that fact.


Heck rarely goes to hangouts because he's too busy. Or so he says. It's hard to tell because he's also rarely out of his room so Vincent doesn't know much about him.


Seth is a friend from the Midnight Veil group chat. They talk a bunch, mostly in the group, but have met in real life sometimes. Seth is probably Vincent's most trusted friend, and probably the one he's known for the longest time since they've both been some of the first members of the group.


Tobias and Vincent are coworkers at Crane's Nook. He is basically Vincent's only friend in town, but he doesn't have much free time to hang out so they mostly just talk during smoke breaks at work.




When Vincent was a child, he looked up to Edmund as he thought he was cool. But as he grew up, this admiration was turned into a competition for who's coolest, in which Vincent could never win and Edmund would make fun of him. In his attempts to prove he was one of the cool kids, Vincent would hang out with Edmund and his trashy friends, which led to them messing with him. Now, Vincent hates Edmund deeply, but Edmund still couldn't care less about his brother.


Despite being younger than Vincent, Santino appeared to be always more talented than him at everything. He'd do everything he was supposed to, as perfectly as anyone would expect, making his older brothers feel like losers. While Edmund could scare Santino out of being an arrogant little brat to him, Vincent easily fell for his taunts. To make matters worse, his parents would often compare him to his little brother, disappointed that he was not like him. For all those reasons, Vincent hates Santino as well. Santino, however, still thinks Vincent is just a dumb loser who will never be good at anything.








Vincent and Pryce were friends in high-school. When Vincent decided to leave his family's house and live on his own, Pryce offered a room of his place to him, but he wishes he had somewhere else to go. His old friend turned out to be an asshole and now they hate each other. The only good thing is that Pryce is rarely home, and when he is, the room is entirely separate anyway so they don't even need to see each other. Pryce doesn't kick him out because he depends on his rent money. His parents pay his bills but they don't know that he rents out a room and think he has a job to cover everything outside bills.


Important Items

As much as he hates it, he always has a pack of nyx haunts and a lighter.


Character originally created on 16 February 2020

Published: 6 September 2022
Last modified: 28 January 2025