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• Sam •
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Full Name
Samson Matthallen
Nicknames / Aliases
Sam, Tater
28 April 1997
Species Class
Mammal - Carnivora
Skunk [Striped]
Vectress, Quarantyne
Vectress, Quarantyne
Cybermagic Engineering student, repairman of various devices, crafter of many bots, hacker for fun
• Vectress Academy of Neomagic Sciences
• Various hacking groups
Main Setting
mischievous • daring • cheerful • determined • stubborn
• Snacks
• Baked sweets (especially the stuff Zade bakes)
• Games
• Neon lights
• Robots
• Playing pranks with his shadowmancy tricks
• Challenges
• Being told he can't do something
• Hot weather
• Being caught shadow-shifting
• Bugs (both software ones and real ones)
• Concorpa as a whole
Skilled Mage
Cybermagic, Technomagic
Robot creatures, bypassing security and other general hacking
A shadowmancer, he can shadow-shift (turn his body into a shadow form which is flattened upon surfaces) which allows him to enter places he definitely shouldn't.
His dad's side of the family was skilled in magic. He learned a lot from his dad.
Dressing Style
Usually quite colorful, with comfy pants and a large heavy jacket, always with some gadgets around.
Collecting random tech stuff like devices or random parts like circuit boards, chips, metal parts and generally any junk salvaged from devices. Also, anything with RGB lights even if it's stupid, just for the lulz.
Favorite Activities
Making robots and mischief of course. That includes hacking into systems and stuff just because he can.
Favorite Colors
Blue and orange
Favorite Foods / Drinks
Cake, cookies, bread, anything with potatoes in it. Energy drinks.
Favorite Animals
Rats, dogs
Left handed
Dating is for losers and he totally doesn't have a crush on his best friend, absolutely not.
Internet Usernames
UntamedBread, ArtificialPotato
Circuits, electronics, cables, shadows
Music Taste
Other Stuff
• Sam has a coloboma on his left eye, making his pupil look kinda keyhole shaped.
• Has a bad habit of stealing every snack in the house, so the other roommates know to keep their snacks in their rooms if they want them to be still there the next day.
Sam and Zade are friends since middle school. He met her when other kids were picking on her for her eyes being too bright colored, so he showed up to defend her and then they talked about eyes when she noticed the coloboma in his left eye. They quickly became best buddies to discuss interests and cause mischief together. Sam is very protective of Zade to this day and wants to always make sure she's alright. She was the first one he invited to live with him when he got his apartment.
Sam befriended Heck in high school and they've been good friends since, though Heck sometimes gets overwhelmed by Sam's chaotic energy. After the accident that resulted in half of Heck's body having to be rebuilt in cybermedical tech, Sam was the friend who helped him the most with his recovery. When Heck decided he wanted to join cybermedical school to save lives like his was saved, Sam readily offered a room in his apartment to him, so he could be closer to school. Heck is the friend who keeps Sam from going too far with his mischief, and who has to beat some sense into him when he wants to build giant explosive robots inside the house.
Sam met Vivienne while waiting in line at a small comic-con he went to. He was bored because Zade couldn't go and he didn't know anyone else there, so when he saw this girl next to him drawing cool stuff, he felt like talking to her. She felt a bit awkward about a stranger just talking to her nonstop, but at the same time, he seemed to have some interests in common and was actually kinda cooler than the friends she came with, so she let him hang out with her throughout the event. They became friends after that, chatting online every once in a while. It was Sam who introduced Vivienne to the concept of feralsonas and the feraling fandom, even though he wasn't really a feraling.
Vincent is Zade's boyfriend, who lives in Vesper (a nearby city). When he comes over to visit her, Sam gets to talk to him a bit and they've become good friends. He thinks Vincent is pretty cool, but feels like he's a bit too different than Zade since he's all gloomy and she's so bright. Of course, he keeps that thought to himself.
Sam maintains good relations with his mom, but he thinks she's a bit too protective of him. But since he moved out, he doesn't have to worry about that much anymore.
Sam's dad is in jail. He already didn't live with him and his mom for a while after he was first approached by the police, but Sam wishes he could spend more time with him. He's pretty sure his dad's crimes are way less serious than they make it seem, but he can't learn much about it because his dad obviously can't tell him, and his mom refuses to have anything to do with him and won't let Sam investigate.
R4x0r is Sam's favorite creation. He's a medium sized robot dog he made from scratch and keeps around to help him in his lab. He keeps making improvements to him.
A cable that can connect his arcaster to any cybermagic device. He calls it his hacking cable because he mostly uses it for gaining access to devices he most certainly should not. He carries it with him almost all the time.
Character originally created on 2 February 2020, redesigned February 2024
Published: 7 September 2022
Last modified: 28 January 2025